Equine Waste
Dumpster Package

The dumpster size recommended for equine waste projects is our 30 yard container that includes:

    • Drop off  and pick up of dumpster for any equine waste. We typically set these up on a schedule.
    • 30 Yard dimensions: 8 x 23 x 6.5
    • Holds an estimated 13 full size pickup truck loads of waste.
    equine waste

    Let's talk horses!

    So, you have horses, and all of the “waste” they create! Now what? One of the most difficult challenges in managing a ranch or horse property is where does all of the waste on the property go? There are many options when it comes to removal and storage, some of which can be designed for small operations, while others really are designed for larger facilities that have barns and several acres. So, who do you call??? You call Dumpstr Xpress.

    Dumpsters serving the Phoenix, Arizona Valley!

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      10 yard dumpsters are great for getting rid of inert waste.
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